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Alexander Pirie

b. about 1817


Alexander Pirie was born about 1817 in Scotland.1


FatherWilliam Pirie (b. about 1780)
MotherClementina Anderson (b. about 1780)

Family life

Alexander Pirie and Frances ("Granny Elliott") Gibson were married on 9 April 1862 at Budgeon in Gulargambone. Frances signed with her mark. Budgeon station was owned by John McMahon in 1865. His father owned Tooloon.1,2

Partner with Frances ("Granny Elliott") Gibson (b. about 1806, d. 12 January 1870)

Working life

  • On 9 April 1862 Alexander Pirie was a shepherd in Gulargambone.1


  1. [S685] Marriage Certificate, Alexander Pirie and Frances Gibson, 9 April 1862, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1862/1846 56.
  2. [S686] Death Certificate, Frances Pirie, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1870 No 3353.
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Last Edited16 May 2021