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Frederick Peisley

b. 1835


Frederick Peisley was born in 1835.

Involvement in crime

Frederick Peisley was admitted to Bathurst Gaol on 12 July 1864 in Bathurst.1 He was charged in Bathurst Circuit Court with robbery, being armed on 10 October 1864 in Bathurst.2 He was indicted for having (on 18 June last), while under arms, waylaid, stopped, and robbed the Orange and Bathurst mail coaches on 17 October 1864 in Bathurst. Thomas Kessey, Frederick Peisley and Shadrach Grose were charged with robbing the Bathurst - Orange mail coaches in June 1864. Despite the fact that all three were identified by George Milne, Peisley and Grose were acquitted while Thomas Kessey was found guilty. He was sentenced to ten years hard labour on the roads. At the same session of the Circuit Court, James Kessey was charged with robbery under arms (in company with others) of Hugh McKinnon. He was found guilty and sentenced to ten years hard labour on the roads.3,4,5 He was was discharged from Bathurst gaol following his Not Guilty verdict on 17 October 1864 in Bathurst.1 He was tried for robbery under arms on 13 February 1866 in Bathurst. He was the subject of an arrest warrant for allegedly stealing a horse in 1877. He was arrested in response to an 1877 arrest warrant for allegedly stealing a horse in July 1882. He was aquitted of stealing two head of cattle on 20 April 1886 in Bathurst. The victim of the theft was Edward Moran of Kangaroo Swamp.6


  1. [S773] Thomas and James Kessey, Gaol Admission: Bathurst, Kessey brothers 1864, 24 Oct 1842
  2. [S774] Bathurst Circuit Court, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Oct 1864, 4.
  3. [S776] Monday October 17, Sydney Morning Herald, within the column headed "Bathurst Circuit Court", 22 Oct 1864, 4.
  4. [S777] Return of Prisoners Tried at the different Circuit Courts 1864, Police Gazette, NSW, December 1864, p353.
  5. [S778] Bathurst, The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser, Part of the "Telegraphic Intelligence" column, 20 Oct 1864.
  6. [S869] Country News, Sydney Morning Herald, 20 Apr 1886.
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Last Edited3 June 2019