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Person Page 5,217

Eva Maud Kessey

b. January 1876, d. 13 August 1877


Eva Maud Kessey was born in January 1876 at Briglow Station in Dubbo.1,2


FatherThomas Kessey (b. 1833, d. 11 June 1903)
MotherSarah Ann Grose (b. 7 June 1838, d. 24 January 1889)


Eva Maud Kessey died from convulsions on 13 August 1877 at age 1 at Bora Station in Dubbo.3,4,1 She was buried on 15 August 1877 at Bora Station in Dubbo.1


  1. [S874] Death Transcription, Eva Maud Kessey, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 5045/1877.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
  4. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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ContextGrady clan
Kessey clan
Last Edited17 October 2018