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Person Page 5,234

Anebel Elizabeth May Hanrahan

b. 16 August 1891


Anebel Elizabeth May Hanrahan was born on 16 August 1891 at Daisy Bank in Black Springs.1,2


FatherPatrick J Hanrahan (b. 8 November 1844)
MotherEmily Hotham (b. about 1844)

Family life

James Daniel Bede Kessey and Anebel Elizabeth May Hanrahan were married in 1912 in Rockley.1

Children with James Daniel Bede Kessey (b. 1889, d. 1954)

SonPatrick Phillip Lyall Kessey (b. 1913, d. 1 September 1970)
DaughterMavis Magdalene Kessey (b. 1916)
SonNoel Allan Kessey (b. 1918, d. 1987)
SonLyall Kessey (b. 1919)
DaughterEdna May Kessey (b. 1922, d. 24 June 1938)
SonKevin Kessey (b. 1922)
SonRonald Leonard Kessey (b. 1923, d. 2 September 2007)
SonJohn Kessey (b. 1924)

Residence information

Kevin was 's housemate in Newtown, NSW, Australia, from 1954 to 1977.3 Was 's housemate in Newtown, NSW, Australia, in 1980.3


Anebel Elizabeth May Hanrahan was buried on 13 September 1982 at Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park in Matraville.4


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  2. [S879] "Public Member Tree," database, (http:/, "My Hanrahan Descendants" family tree by Sheryle., 20 October 2018
  3. [S893] All, Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Archives Office of NSW.
  4. [S903] David C Blake, L: Eastern Suburbs MemoriaL Park to Dawn Doab, Military Road, Matraville: Eastern Suburbs Memorial park, 17 Jan 1993, to Dawn Doab.
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ContextHanrahan clan
Last Edited25 October 2018