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Person Page 5,239

Alma L Gee

b. 1910


Alma L Gee was born in 1910.1

Family life

John Henry Kessey and Alma L Gee were married in 1931 in Yass.1

Child with John Henry Kessey (b. 1902, d. 1958)

SonLaurence Edward Kessey (b. 1937, d. 5 November 2012)

Involvement in crime

Alma L Gee was. She was a witness that John Henry Kessey was convicted of using indecent language inside his home on 28 March 1935 in Yass, NSW.2


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  2. [S859] Shakespeare and Swearing, Yass Tribune-Courier, 28 Mar 1935, p1.
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Last Edited13 October 2018