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Amelia May Slater

b. 1894, d. 4 September 1960


Amelia May Slater was born in 1894 in Hillston.1,2

Family life

As of in 1917,her married name was Taylor.2 William Taylor and Amelia May Slater were married on 26 June 1917 in Waverley.2,1 Ernest Gladstone Kessey and she were married in 1926 in Marrickville.2 As of in 1926,her married name was Kessey.2

Child with William Taylor (b. 1890)

SonJohn William Taylor+ (b. 30 August 1918, d. 20 April 2017)

Partner with Ernest Gladstone Kessey (b. 1889, d. 25 June 1966)

Residence information

Amelia May Slater lived at 116 George Street in Homebush, NSW, in 1958, teacher.3

Working life

  • On 21 May 1937 Amelia May Slater was a teacher at Leichhardt Girls School in Leichhardt.4


Amelia May Slater died on 4 September 1960 at age ~66 in Homebush.5,6,7 She was buried on 6 September 1960 at Woronora Cemetery in Woronora.7


  1. [S909] Birth Certificate 48748/1994, John William Kessey, (1 Jul 1994), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S893] All, Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Archives Office of NSW.
  4. [S853] Appointment of teachers, Government Gazette, NSW, 21 May 1937, p2044.
  5. [S843] Joyce Ryerson et al, Ryerson Death Index, (Ryerson Index.)
  6. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
  7. [S890] Various, Australian Cemeteries Index, (Reg & Jean McDonnell.)
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Last Edited31 October 2018