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Victor Kessey

b. 1909, d. 18 August 1979


Victor Kessey was born in 1909 in Bathurst.1


FatherWilliam Stanley Kessey (b. 8 February 1853, d. 20 December 1928)
MotherMary Ann Zenobia Cole (b. 1870)

Family life

Victor Kessey and Ella Ruby Ablett were married in 1927.2 He and Ella Ruby Ablett were divorced on 6 December 1942 in Sydney. Victor Kessey was alleged to have been a very regular drunk who beat his wife when his level of inebriation reached "frightfully drunk", according to his wife's testimony.2

Partner with Ella Ruby Ablett (b. 19 September 1911, d. 8 June 1967)

Working life

  • Victor Kessey NX7193 in 1939. He enlisted in 1939.2,3
  • In 1942 Victor Kessey was a greengrocer.2


Victor Kessey died on 18 August 1979 at age ~70.4,3 He was buried on 20 August 1979 at Woronora Cemetery in Woronora. His remains are interred in Garden 6 of Garden Circuit.3


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  2. [S857] Terraced, The Daily Telegraph, Part of the "Presenting Real Life" column, 6 Dec 1942.
  3. [S890] Various, Australian Cemeteries Index, (Reg & Jean McDonnell.)
  4. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
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ContextGrady clan
Kessey clan
Last Edited21 October 2018