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Person Page 5,387

Michael Patrick Kessey

b. April 1954, d. 26 October 1955


Michael Patrick Kessey was born in April 1954.1,2


FatherTerrence Kessey (b. 8 February 1923, d. 7 May 2001)
MotherElizabeth Valerie Peate (b. 1925, d. 11 October 2001)


Michael Patrick Kessey died on 26 October 1955 at age 1 in Ashfield.1,2 He was buried on 28 October 1955 at Rookwood Cemetery in Sydney. Plot 3498, Sec 18, Portion M2.3


  1. [S843] Joyce Ryerson et al, Ryerson Death Index, (Ryerson Index.)
  2. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S890] Various, Australian Cemeteries Index, (Reg & Jean McDonnell.)
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Last Edited21 October 2018