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Person Page 5,416

Ivy Myrtle May Thomson

b. 14 May 1906


Ivy Myrtle May Thomson was born on 14 May 1906.1


FatherWilliam Thomson (b. 1861, d. 18 January 1919)
MotherLouisa Kessey (b. 26 January 1861, d. 2 June 1927)

Family life

Albert Milliner and Ivy Myrtle May Thomson were married on 7 November 1925.1

Partner with Albert Milliner (b. 22 August 1905, d. 21 June 1938)


  1. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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ContextKessey clan
Last Edited16 October 2018