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Person Page 5,433

John Vane

b. 28 June 1842, d. 30 January 1906


John Vane was born on 28 June 1842 in Jerry's Plains.1


FatherWilliam Vane (b. 1810)
MotherAnn Milner (b. 1810)

Involvement in crime

John Vane was a member of the bushranger gang led by Frank Gardiner and Ben Hall in 1863.1 He was tried for robbery under arms in April 1864. He had left the Gardiner-Hall gang earlier, following the shooting death of his friend Mickey Burke at Dunn's Plains. He was pursuaded by a local priest to surrender to police, so he turned himself in to Suiperintendent Morrisset at Bathurst. He was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years gaol.1 He was released from gaol in February 1870.1 He was tried for sheep stealing in 1880 in Bathurst. He was found guilty and sentenced to five years gaol.1 He was released from gaol in August 1884.1


John Vane died from illeo-colitis (Crohn's disease) on 30 January 1906 at age 63 in Cowra.1 He was buried on 31 January 1906 in Woodstock Cemetery.


  1. [S867] Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia contributors, "Wikipedia, the fee Encyclopedia," database, ( accessed ), .
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Last Edited16 October 2018