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Edward Angus Vane

b. 12 January 1923, d. 22 May 1981


Edward Angus Vane was born on 12 January 1923 in Thargomindah.1


FatherSydney Herbert Vane (b. 1871, d. 16 January 1936)
MotherMabel Maud Grace Gardiner (b. 1 January 1885, d. 4 July 1958)

Family life

Edward Angus Vane and Marjorie Fuller were married on 30 August 1946.1 He and Judy Audrey Watts were married in 1962.

Child with Marjorie Fuller (b. 1925, d. 1960)

ChildUnknown Vane (b. 1947, d. 1947)

Partner with Judy Audrey Watts (b. 1925)


Edward Angus Vane died on 22 May 1981 at age 58.1 He was cremated on 26 May 1981.1


  1. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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Last Edited18 October 2018