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John Levi Vane

b. 1929, d. 29 January 1971


John Levi Vane was born in 1929. According to his mother, John was born under the shade of a mulga tree on Perri Perri station (which she owned) while she was out mustering alone. She wrapped him in some of her clothes and carried him back to the homestead on her horse.1


FatherSydney Herbert Vane (b. 1871, d. 16 January 1936)
MotherMabel Maud Grace Gardiner (b. 1 January 1885, d. 4 July 1958)


John Levi Vane was buried in January 1971 at Cunnamulla Lawn Cemetery in Cunnamulla.1 He died on 29 January 1971 at age ~42 in Cunnamulla.1


  1. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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Last Edited18 October 2018