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Person Page 5,503

Emily Edith Betts

b. 14 July 1910, d. 11 September 1985


Emily Edith Betts was born on 14 July 1910.1


FatherJames Benjamin Betts (b. 5 February 1879, d. 27 October 1961)
MotherEva Lilly Mary Gardiner (b. 27 October 1887, d. 11 May 1951)

Family life

Herbert Alexander O'Brien and Emily Edith Betts were married on 4 February 1930.1

Partner with Herbert Alexander O'Brien (b. 1905, d. 18 August 1983)


Emily Edith Betts died on 11 September 1985 at age 75 in Cunnamulla.1


  1. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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Last Edited18 October 2018