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Person Page 5,518

Phyllis Isabel Irvine

b. 1900, d. 5 September 1982


Phyllis Isabel Irvine was born in 1900.


FatherCharles Peyton Irvine (b. 1860)
MotherNora Horrigan (b. 1865)

Family life

Oliver Lawrence Thomson and Phyllis Isabel Irvine were married on 1 January 1919.1

Child with Oliver Lawrence Thomson (b. 10 July 1898, d. 22 September 1983)

ChildUnknown Thomson (b. 1920, d. 1920)


Phyllis Isabel Irvine died on 5 September 1982 at age ~82 in Caloundra.1


  1. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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Last Edited18 October 2018