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Person Page 6,075

Michael Lahy

b. 17 January 1836


Michael Lahy was born on 17 January 1836 in Mount Nugent.1,2


FatherJohn Lahy (b. March 1790, d. before 1852)
MotherMary Dowling (b. circa 1799, d. before 1852)

Residence information

Michael Lahy immigrated on 19 May 1855 to Sydney, NSW, Australia. Five pounds had been paid towards his fare on SS Matoaka under the Remittance Regulations.2 He lived in Sydney, NSW, Australia, on 7 April 1859.3


  1. [S1120] Baptismal Record: Michael Lahy 1836, (17 Jan 1836), St John's RC Church, Irish Family History Foundation, Ireland
  2. [S1122] Michael Lahy entry, Matoaka, Passenger list, 10 Oct 1852; in (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW.)
  3. [S1124] Martin Lahy and family entry, Nimroud, Passenger list, 10 Oct 1852; in (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW.)
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Last Edited29 July 2019