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Person Page 6,199

Arthur Ashworth

b. 1857


Arthur Ashworth was born in 1857.1,2


FatherJohn Ashworth (b. 1827)
MotherHannah Poulton (b. 14 March 1827)

Residence information


  1. [S1196] Poulton and Ashworth families, Immigration Deposit Journals, (Kingswood NSW: Archives Office of NSW), 11 Jun 1859, Series: 5264; Microfilm, 5264, 9 reels; Reel: 2669
  2. [S1197] Ashworth family entry, Fitzjames, Passenger List, 20 Feb 1860; in (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 2480.
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ContextPoulton clan
Last Edited10 April 2020