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Mary Noblet

b. 1784


Mary Noblet was born in 1784.

Family life

Thomas Saturninus Poulton and Mary Noblet were married circa 1805.

Children with Thomas Saturninus Poulton (b. 29 November 1780)

DaughterElizabeth Poulton (b. 25 May 1806)
DaughterMargaret Poulton (b. 4 December 1807)
SonThomas Poulton (b. 1 December 1811)
DaughterMary Poulton (b. 3 December 1814)
DaughterMary Lucy Poulton (b. 13 December 1815)
DaughterWinifred Poulton (b. 14 February 1819)
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Last Edited1 June 2020