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Alice Eckersley

b. 1816


Alice Eckersley was born in 1816.1

Family life

James Grime and Alice Eckersley were married on 6 September 1835 in Bury.1

Children with James Grime (b. 1 March 1816, d. 28 July 1872)

SonHenry Grime+ (b. 24 April 1836, d. 10 February 1879)
DaughterSarah Grime (b. 24 June 1838, d. after 1851)
DaughterIsabella Grime (b. 28 June 1840, d. after 1871)
DaughterJane Grime (b. 28 August 1842, d. after 1871)

Residence information

, as 's spouse, resided with, in Little Bolton, Lancashire, on 6 June 1841. slater.2 , as 's spouse, resided with, in Little Bolton, Lancashire, on 30 March 1851. police sergeant.3 , as 's spouse, resided with, in Little Bolton, Lancashire, on 7 April 1861. police sergeant.4 , as 's spouse, resided with, in Little Bolton, Lancashire, on 2 April 1871. police inspector.5,6


Was the executor of James Grime's estate on 12 September 1872 in Bolton, Lancashire.7


  1. [S1329] Marriage Certificate, James Grime and Alice Eckersley, 6 Sep 1835, General Register Office, England, London. Bury Parish.
  2. [S1331] James Grime, 6 Jun 1841 Census UK, London, Little Bolton, Public Record Office, p 52.
  3. [S1332] James Grime, 30 Mar 1851 Census UK, London, Little Bolton, Public Record Office, p 19.
  4. [S1333] James Grime, 7 Apr 1861 Census UK, London, Little Bolton, Public Record Office, p 80.
  5. [S1334] James Grime, 2 Apr 1871 Census UK, London, Little Bolton, Public Record Office, p 20.
  6. [S1336] Various, Worral's Directory, p 164
  7. [S1338] James Grime, Probate: Grime, James 1872 (National Probate Calendar), England & Wales Probate Office, London.
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Last Edited16 August 2020