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Person Page 6,442

Ann Snelling

b. 24 September 1695

Person Exhibits

Logo Ann Snelling 1695


Ann Snelling was born on 24 September 1695 at Jollys Lane in Hayes.1


FatherCharles Snelling (b. circa 1670)
MotherAnn, wife of Charles Snelling (b. circa 1670)

Family life

Allan Durham and Ann Snelling were married on 20 February 1720 at St Benet's Church in Paul's Wharf.2

Children with Allan Durham (b. 5 June 1689)

DaughterAnne Durham (b. 28 March 1725)
SonWilliam Durham (b. 10 April 1727)
SonRobert Durham (b. 21 April 1729)
SonJohn Durham (b. 25 March 1733)
SonThomas Durham (b. 25 March 1733)
SonAllan Durham+ (b. 13 August 1735)
SonGeorge Durham (b. 20 April 1738)


  1. [S1418] Baptismal Record: Snelling, Ann 1695, (24 Sep 1695), London Metropolitan Archives, London
  2. [S1415] Marriage Certificate, Allan Durham and Ann Snelling, 3 Mar 1788, London Metropolitan Archives, London. Saint Benet's Church, Paul's wharf, London.
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Last Edited9 September 2020