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Person Page 6,497

Victor Henry Kemp

b. 9 March 1897, d. 30 July 1975


Victor Henry Kemp was born on 9 March 1897 at Tooloon Street in Coonamble.1,2


MotherMarita May ("Marcella") Kemp (b. 19 January 1877, d. 14 July 1949)


Victor Henry Kemp died from cardiac arrest on 30 July 1975 at age 78 at 667 Beryl Street in Broken Hill.1 He was buried on 2 August 1975 in Catholic Cemetery.


  1. [S473] Lorraine Voigt, The Kemp Family History, 5 Kenworth Street, Brassall, Qld, 4305: Lorraine Voigt, 1992.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM.)
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Last Edited5 November 2020