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William Rafter

b. 1780, d. 5 March 1853


William Rafter was born in 1780 in Ireland.1

Family life

William Rafter and Ann Yates were married in March 1821 in Parramatta.1,2

Children with Ann Yates (b. 1784, d. 11 August 1871)

SonWilliam Rafter (b. 11 November 1815)
DaughterMaria Rafter (b. 28 October 1817, d. 1859)
DaughterMartha Rafter (b. 1820, d. before November 1828)
DaughterAnn ("Mary") Rafter (b. 1820, d. circa 1894)
SonRichard Rafter (b. 1825, d. 19 January 1861)
SonJohn Rafter (b. December 1828)

Working life

  • In November 1828 William Rafter was a barber in Parramatta.3


William Rafter died from apoplexy induced by habits of intemperance on 5 March 1853 at age ~73 in Parramatta.1 He was buried on 9 March 1853 in Parramatta.1


  1. [S1508] Elizabeth Hook, Journey to a New Life, Pyramid Hill, Victoria: Elizabeth Hook, 2014, 3rd edition.
  2. [S1510] Ann Entwistle, Certificate of Freedom, (NSW: Colonial Secretary), 30 Dec 1829, No 29/1080. Certificate of Freedom register.
  3. [S1509] William Rafter, Nov 1828 Census NSW, NSW, Parramatta, Archives Office, Parramatta household 132.
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Last Edited27 January 2021