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Thomas ("John") Carpenter

b. circa 1775, d. 20 January 1837


Thomas ("John") Carpenter was born circa 1775 in Warwick.1

Family life

Thomas ("John") Carpenter and Martha Jackson were married on 21 March 1825 in Port Macquarie.2,1 He and Mary Ann Dunlevie were married on 18 February 1831 in Port Macquarie.1

Partner with Martha Jackson (b. 5 August 1769, d. 22 February 1828)

Partner with Mary Ann Dunlevie (b. circa 1787)

Residence information

Thomas ("John") Carpenter immigrated on 11 June 1813 to Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, at aboard "Fortune."1 He traveled to in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 15 September 1823 aboard "Mermaid."1

Involvement in crime

Thomas ("John") Carpenter was convicted of receiving stolen goods on 10 August 1812 in Coventry, England, United Kingdom. He was sentenced to 14 years transportation1 He was granted his conditional pardon on 4 February 1818.1 He was tried in the Court of Criminal Jurisdiction for recieving stolen property on 5 August 1820. Found guilty, he was sent to Newcastle to serve an additional sentence of 14 years under the name of John Carpenter1 He was granted a certificate of freedom on 9 May 1836 in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.1

Working life

  • On 11 June 1813 Thomas ("John") Carpenter was a gardner and brewer.1


Thomas ("John") Carpenter died on 20 January 1837 at age ~62 in Port Macquarie.1 He was buried on 21 January 1837 in Port Macquarie.1


  1. [S1508] Elizabeth Hook, Journey to a New Life, Pyramid Hill, Victoria: Elizabeth Hook, 2014, 3rd edition.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
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Last Edited30 January 2021