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Mary Howarth

b. circa 1750


Mary Howarth was born circa 1750.

Family life

Henry Entwistle and Mary Howarth were married on 5 September 1787 in Bolton.1

Children with Henry Entwistle (b. 7 July 1745, d. 18 August 1800)

SonThomas Entwistle (b. 8 January 1788, d. before May 1798)
DaughterSally Entwistle (b. 15 June 1790)
SonGeorge Entwistle (b. 20 February 1794)
DaughterNelly Entwistle (b. 15 July 1796)
SonThomas Entwistle (b. 14 May 1798)
SonJames Entwistle (b. 13 June 1800)


  1. [S1210] Lancashire BMD, Index to Lancashire Marriages, (Lancashire BMD), 5 Sep 1787 at St Peter's Church Bolton, Register of Marriages 1784-1792, page 146, entry 582.
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Last Edited31 January 2021