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Emma Lunn

b. 1861


Emma Lunn was born in 1861 in Deniliquin.1


FatherJoseph Lunn (b. circa 1840)
MotherAnna M Armstrong (b. circa 1840)

Family life

James Maxwell and Emma Lunn were married in 1878 in Bourke. They had a large family born in Bourke 1879-1900.2,3

Children with James Maxwell (b. 6 October 1850, d. 9 March 1932)

DaughterAgnes Annie Maxwell (b. 1879, d. 1879)
DaughterElizabeth Laura Maxwell (b. 1880)
DaughterEmmeline M ("Emily") Maxwell (b. 1883)
SonJames W W ("Jim") Maxwell (b. 1886)
SonAlexander ("Alec") Maxwell (b. 1888)
SonRichard J ("Jack") Maxwell (b. 1890)
SonWalter Lunn Maxwell (b. 1893, d. 14 July 1971)
DaughterEthel F Maxwell (b. 1895)
SonEbenezer C ("Ebb") Maxwell (b. 1898)
SonFrederick L H ("Lionel") Maxwell (b. 1900)

Residence information

Emma Lunn and James Maxwell resided at Mulga Park in Gunderbooka County in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 5 April 1891.4


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 6975/1861 Deniliquin.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 2513/1878 Bourke.
  3. [S1659] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1856 Jane Maxwell, Maxwell family memoirs by Harvey Barnett, History of Bourke Journal
  4. [S1749] J Maxwell household, Mulga Park, Gundabooka County, 5 Apr 1891 Census, NSW, Bourke, NSW Records Authority.
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Last Edited27 February 2022