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Timothy Oxley ("Tim") Farrell

b. 1889, d. 23 May 1918


Timothy Oxley ("Tim") Farrell was born in 1889 in Brewarrina.1


FatherTimothy Farrell (b. 10 May 1853, d. 7 January 1926)
MotherMary Ann Reed (b. 23 December 1852, d. 21 June 1934)

Working life

  • Timothy Oxley ("Tim") Farrell embarked for England on 23 June 1916 at SS Barambah in Sydney, New South Wales.2
  • He disembarked from Australia on 25 August 1916 at SS Barambah in Plymouth, England.2


Timothy Oxley ("Tim") Farrell witnessed the death of George Charles Reed Farrell on 15 March 1917 in France. Timothy Oxley ("Tim") Farrell died from of wounds received in action on 23 May 1918 at age ~29 in France.


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 16320/1889 Brewarrina.
  2. [S1665] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1852 Mary Ann Gibb Farrell, AIF Casuality Forms for Privates Farrell TO and Farrell GC of the 55th Battalion
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Last Edited23 March 2022