James Whye
b. 1833
James Whye was born in 1833 in Waterbeach.
Residence information
Working life
- On 30 March 1851 James Whye was a labourer at Church End in Waterbeach.2
- [S1675] 1841 census of England, Cambridgeshire, Waterbeach, , ; HO107; The National Archives of the UK, Kew; FHL microfilm GSU roll 241224., piece 69, book 14, ED 18, folio 4, page 2, line 24; household of William Whye
- [S1676] 1851 census of England, Cambridgeshire, Waterbeach, , ; HO107; The National Archives of the UK, Kew; FHL microfilm GSU roll 193649-193650., piece 1759, folio 304, page 4, line 5; household of William Whye
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Last Edited | 17 February 2022 |