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Person Page 6,709

George Whye

b. 1843


George Whye was born in 1843 in Waterbeach.1


FatherWilliam Whye (b. 1801)
MotherHannah Headland (b. about 1804)

Residence information

George Whye resided with William Whye and Hannah Headland at Church End in Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, on 30 March 1851.1


  1. [S1676] 1851 census of England, Cambridgeshire, Waterbeach, , ; HO107; The National Archives of the UK, Kew; FHL microfilm GSU roll 193649-193650., piece 1759, folio 304, page 4, line 5; household of William Whye
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Last Edited17 February 2022