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William Harvey ("Harvey") Barnett

b. 1879


William Harvey ("Harvey") Barnett was born in 1879 in Gongolgon.1


FatherWilliam Harvey Barnett (b. circa 1850)

Family life

William Harvey ("Harvey") Barnett and Elizabeth Laura Maxwell were married in 1900 in Bourke.2

Partner with Elizabeth Laura Maxwell (b. 1880)


William Harvey ("Harvey") Barnett witnessed the death of Edmund Farrell on 16 March 1869.3,4


  1. [S679] Reminiscenses of HW Barnett, Harvey Barnett, History of Bourke Journal, volume 4 (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), from page 8.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 8335/1900 Bourke.
  3. [S1665] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1852 Mary Ann Gibb Farrell, History of Bourke Journal, volume 12, page 69
  4. [S1659] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1856 Jane Maxwell, Maxwell family memoirs by Harvey Barnett, History of Bourke Journal
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Last Edited27 February 2022