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Ann Denson

b. circa 1852, d. 21 August 1934


Ann Denson was born circa 1852.

Family life

Alfred Haylock Whye and Ann Denson were married on 26 March 1885 at Worcester Street in Christchurch. They were married in the home of the Reverend E Best who recorded that the groom's father was unknown and that his mother was Jane Doggett Wye.1

Children with Alfred Haylock Whye (b. 19 November 1852, d. 22 October 1939)

SonWilliam Alfred Whye (b. 1886, d. 29 January 1906)
SonEdward Arthur Whye (b. 1887)
DaughterFlorence Jane Whye (b. 1889)
SonSydney Denson Whye (b. 13 October 1891)
DaughterHilda M Whye (b. 1896)


Ann Denson died on 21 August 1934 at age ~82 in Badgery's Creek.


  1. [S1680] JM Fleming, Family Whye 1821 William Hannah Hedlin, page 4
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Last Edited13 March 2022