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Person Page 6,854

Bishop Samuel Edward Marsden

b. 1 February 1832, d. 15 October 1912


Bishop Samuel Edward Marsden was born on 1 February 1832 in Parramatta. Baptized on 7 October 1875 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies. Bishop SE Marsden was a grandson of Reverend Samuel Marsden.1


FatherThomas Marsden (b. circa 1806, d. 8 November 1837)
MotherJane Catherine Marsden (b. 7 December 1808, d. 10 May 1885)


Bishop Samuel Edward Marsden died on 15 October 1912 at age 80 in England.


  1. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Josephine Hazel Whye, 7 Oct 1875, page 5
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Last Edited3 September 2022