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Person Page 6,861

Frank Edward Whye

b. 1910


Frank Edward Whye was born in 1910 in Cobar.1


FatherGeorge Whye (b. circa 1871, d. 1926)
MotherJane Frances McIntyre

Working life

  • In 1934 Frank Edward Whye was a labourer in Brewarrina.2
  • In 1936 Frank Edward Whye was a labourer in Brewarrina.3


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 1910/2949 at Cobar.
  2. [S1724] Electoral Roll, Brewarrina; page 13; Elizabeth Whye, Bourke Lane, home duties
  3. [S1723] Electoral Roll, Brewarrina; page 14; Elizabeth Whye, Bourke Lane
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Last Edited7 September 2022