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Allen Rex Hilt

b. 1924


Allen Rex Hilt was born in 1924.1


FatherCharles Walker Hilt (b. 1889, d. 17 July 1935)
MotherKate Clarke (b. circa 1889, d. 3 July 1955)


Allen Rex Hilt witnessed the death of Charles Frederick Hilt in April 1956 at Bourke Hospital in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.2


  1. [S1773] NSW Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages, "Death Registration," certificate, 19 Jul 1935, 19384/1935, Deaths; Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Sydney. Charles Hilt aged 48 years, labourer, died 17 Jul 1935, District Hospital, Brewarrina, diabetic coma; mother Elizabeth, father blank; buried CoE Brewarrina 17 Jul 1935; married Kate Clark at age 26 years; children Renee 20, Kathleen 18, Charlie 16, Lola 13, Alan 10, Eric 8, all living.
  2. [S1726] JM Fleming, Family Whye Hilt Parker, Article: Coronial Enquiry, Western Herald, 1956, May 4, p. 1. and Western Herald, 1956, May 11, p. 10,
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Last Edited8 September 2022