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Person Page 6,912

Andres ("Andrew") Bufe

b. 1834, d. before 1865


Andres ("Andrew") Bufe was born in 1834 in USA.1,2

Family life

Andres ("Andrew") Bufe and Eliza Emily Reed were married in August 1860 in Sydney.3

Partner with Eliza Emily Reed (b. 22 October 1841, d. 22 August 1925)

Residence information


Andres ("Andrew") Bufe died before 1865.4


  1. [S1740] Manifest, , , , crew list, ( : accessed )., Matilda; 18 October 1859; Anders Buff, carpenter on arrival at Sydney; online; 7 March 2023
  2. [S1740] Manifest, , , , crew list, ( : accessed )., Minnie Ha Ha; 22 May 1860; Andrew Buff, carpenter on arrival at Sydney; online; 7 March 2023
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 788/1860, Andrew Bufe and Eliza Reed, Sydney.
  4. [S1735] Marriage Certificate, Henry Johnson and Eliza Bufe nee Reed, 12 Sep 1865, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 18/1865.
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Last Edited7 March 2023