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Person Page 6,919

Mary Jane Ralph

b. 8 June 1860, d. 17 November 1891


Mary Jane Ralph was born on 8 June 1860 in Bathurst.


FatherWilliam James Ralph (b. 11 May 1826, d. 2 November 1875)
MotherMargaret McGeorge (b. 28 July 1830, d. 26 September 1904)

Family life

Henry Fuller and Mary Jane Ralph were married in March 1874 in Orange.

Child with Henry Fuller (b. 25 March 1850, d. 9 November 1891)

SonWilliam Henry Fuller+ (b. 1878, d. 1954)


Mary Jane Ralph died on 17 November 1891 at age 31 in Mudgee.
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Last Edited14 March 2023