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Person Page 6,930

William Patrick Tobin

b. circa 1846, d. 6 February 1917


William Patrick Tobin was born circa 1846.1


FatherJames Tobin, Senior (b. about 1813, d. 28 August 1901)
MotherCatherine Maloney (b. about 1817, d. 1869)

Residence information

William Patrick Tobin lived at Bogan Street in North Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 5 April 1891. The household included 2 males and 5 females.2


William Patrick Tobin died from a long illness on 6 February 1917 at age ~71 at Verona Street residence in Auburn.1


  1. [S1742] "," The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, Parramatta, ; online image, Trove ( : accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Death of Mr Tobin; obituary; 14 February 1917; page 2; online; 15 March 2023;; Late of Baulkham Hills and Bourke
  2. [S1749] WP Tobin household, Bogan Street, North Bourke, 5 Apr 1891 Census, NSW, Bourke, NSW Records Authority.
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Last Edited22 March 2023