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Stephen Wall

b. circa 1870


Stephen Wall was born circa 1870.

Family life

Stephen Wall and Sarah Jane Heazle ("Heazle") Johnson were married on 28 December 1892 in Bourke.

Child with Sarah Jane Heazle ("Heazle") Johnson (b. 29 November 1871, d. 28 July 1960)

DaughterIris Wall (b. 1922)

Working life

  • In 1895 Stephen Wall was a coach driver for Cobb and Co. "Steve Wall and the family are steeped in history as he was a Cobb & Co coach driver did the last drive Longreach to Winton and in later days of his driving with Cobb did the Winton to Bourke run." - Kayleen Vallance.
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Last Edited22 March 2023