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Bertha Jane Frances Wood

b. circa 1885, d. April 1929


Bertha Jane Frances Wood was born circa 1885.


FatherArthur Wood (b. circa 1860)
Motherwife of Arthur Wood Rose Unknown (b. circa 1860)

Family life

Alfred John Brennan and Bertha Jane Frances Wood were married in 1914 in Bourke.1

Children with Alfred John Brennan (b. 28 February 1884, d. 10 May 1947)

DaughterFlorence Rose Brennan (b. circa 1916)
DaughterBertha Jean Brennan (b. circa 1918)
SonRon Brennan (b. circa 1920)


Bertha Jane Frances Wood died in April 1929 at age ~44.2 She died on 5 April 1929 at age ~44 in Bourke.3


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 8734/1914, Bourke, Alfred J Brennan and Bertha J F Wood.
  2. [S1776] Leanne Richards (email address) to James M Fleming, email dated 13 Nov 2022, re Alfred Brennan family; Reed family series, James and Frances Book collection; privately held by James M Fleming, Cammeray NSW 2062. Personal communication.
  3. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), Bertha J Brennan. 10701/1929 at Bourke, parents Arthur and Rose.
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Last Edited19 May 2023