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Person Page 6,994

Francis Wright

b. 1845


Francis Wright was born in 1845 in Hill End.1


FatherJohn Wright (b. circa 1800)
MotherEliza, wife of John Wright (b. circa 1800)


Witnessed 's burial on 15 July 1878 in Gongolgon, NSW, Australia.2,3


  1. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Francis Wright, 1078/1845 V18451078 55, Church Code IG (Wesleyan Methodist Bathurst, Hill End); parents John and Eliza.
  2. [S1674] , Gongolgon Cemetery, Gongolgon, NSW. (in scrub near the village)., Gravestone of Joseph, Joseph Headland, Kate Whye; and Daniel Reed Murphy; 1877-1884; personally photographed
  3. [S1777] Template Error
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Last Edited4 May 2023