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Person Page 7,006

Arabella Peters

b. 9 September 1845, d. 23 February 1901


Arabella Peters was born on 9 September 1845 in Bungonia.1,2


Arabella Peters died on 23 February 1901 at age 55 in Narrandera.1


  1. [S1757] Reg Grove, "Reg Grove Family Tree," online pedigree chart,, Ancestry ( online 9 May 2023), William Peters; citing
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), Arabella Peters, 3080/1845 V18453080 33A, parents William and Mary A, church code MC, Bungonia.
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Last Edited9 May 2023