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Mary Grace Kessey

b. 1891, d. 14 October 1941

Family surname

For more information about the Kessey surname click here.


Mary Grace Kessey was born in 1891.1


FatherJames Kessey (b. 18 June 1858, d. 14 August 1944)
MotherMary Jane Press (b. 24 October 1867, d. 5 March 1951)

Family life

Garnet Martin and Mary Grace Kessey were married on 12 November 1913 in Rockley.2,3


Mary Grace Kessey died on 14 October 1941 at age ~50 at North Bourke Bridge in Bourke. drowning4,5 She was buried on 16 October 1941 at Bourke Cemetery in Bourke.4


  1. [S486] Birth Certificate Vol 1905 No 17192, Halvar Roy Kessey, (6 May 1905), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  2. [S403] "Kessey family facts", circa 1991, Gardiner (303 Birdwood Terrace, Toowong Qld 4006); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  4. [S617] Mary Grace Martin Gravestone, Cemetery, Bourke; Jim Fleming, 18 Jul 1941.
  5. [S295] Death Certificate, James Kessey, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1944 No 328.
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ContextBaker clan
Hanrahan clan
Kessey clan
Press clan
Last Edited25 September 2018