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Frances Anna Whye

b. 1864, d. 1960


Frances Anna Whye was born in 1864.1,2,3


FatherJoseph Whye (b. 1836, d. 6 May 1877)
MotherPrudence Reed (b. 3 July 1846, d. 29 October 1940)

Partner with Augustus Sullivan (b. circa 1855, d. circa 1937)


Frances Anna Whye died in 1960 at age ~96.


  1. [S292] Death Certificate, Prudence Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1940 No 526.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 4985/1864 Bourke.
  3. [S1777] Template Error
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Last Edited31 January 2022