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Albert George Henry Whye

b. 26 February 1871, d. 19 July 1927


Albert George Henry Whye was born on 26 February 1871 in Gongolgon.1,2,3,4 He was baptized on 23 April 1871 at St Stephen's Church of England at Bourke in Bourke, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.3


FatherJoseph Whye (b. 1836, d. 6 May 1877)
MotherPrudence Reed (b. 3 July 1846, d. 29 October 1940)

Family life

Albert George Henry Whye and Annie M Roberts were married in 1892 in Brewarrina.5 He and Rose A J Walls were married in 1897 in Brewarrina.6

Partner with Annie M Roberts (b. circa 1872)

Children with Rose A J Walls (b. circa 1873)

DaughterElsie Stella ("May") Whye (b. circa 1894, d. circa 1988)
DaughterLily Rose Ann Whye (b. circa 1897, d. circa 1966)
SonJoseph Hedland Whye (b. circa 1898, d. circa 1955)
SonAlbert George Henry ("Alby") Whye, alias Carr (b. 2 August 1899)
DaughterEthel H ("May") Whye (b. 10 April 1901, d. 9 February 1982)
SonJohn ("Jack") Whye (b. 1903)
SonOliver Whye (b. 1905)
SonArthur J Whye (b. 28 April 1907, d. 4 September 1907)
SonPhillip A Whye (b. 1908, d. circa 1936)


Albert George Henry Whye died on 19 July 1927 at age 56 at 73 Great Buckingham Street in Redfern.7,8


  1. [S292] Death Certificate, Prudence Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1940 No 526.
  2. [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), 7824/1871 Bourke, Albert G H, parents Prudence and Joseph.
  3. [S1721] JM Fleming, Reed family baptisms at St Stephen's Anglican church Bourke, SAG Reel 335, Albert George Henry Whye, 23 April 1871, page 1
  4. [S1777] Template Error
  5. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 2660/1892 Brewarrina.
  6. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 5172/1897 Brewarrina.
  7. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 11623/1927 Redfern.
  8. [S1680] JM Fleming, Family Whye 1821 William Hannah Hedlin, page 6, Wellington Times newspaper, 21 Jul 1927,
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Last Edited3 September 2022