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Euphemia Young

b. about 1794, d. about 1850


Euphemia Young was born about 1794.1


FatherYoung (b. before 1779)

Family life

Patrick Hanrahan, the Elder, and Euphemia Young were married on 15 April 1816 at Christ Church in Castlereagh. C of E2,1 Patrick Hanrahan, the Elder, and she were separated on 8 November 1822 in South Creek, NSW, Australia.3 She was domestic partnership about 1825.4

Children with Patrick Hanrahan, the Elder, (b. 1784, d. 30 November 1858)

SonWilliam Henry James Hanrahan+ (b. 9 November 1809, d. 20 December 1849)
SonPatrick Hanrahan, the Younger+ (b. 24 September 1811, d. 10 February 1889)
SonDennis Hanrahan+ (b. 27 March 1813, d. 4 April 1868)
SonJohn Hanrahan+ (b. 7 January 1817, d. 9 December 1859)
SonJames Hanrahan (b. 1822, d. 19 May 1864)

Children with Frederick Morgan

SonEllen Morgan (b. about 1823)
SonFrederick Morgan (b. about 1827)

Residence information

Euphemia Young emigrated on 10 August 1805 from Falmouth, England. SS "William Pitt"1 She immigrated on 11 April 1806 to Sydney, NSW, Australia. SS "WilliamPitt"1 In 1828 Euphemia Young lived in Sydney, NSW, Australia. She was working as a washerwoman. She was a washerwoman with 3 children5,6

Involvement in crime

Euphemia Young was tried on 20 April 1804 in Aberdeen. unknown1

Working life

  • Euphemia Young was employed in Parramatta, NSW, Australia, about 1806.1


Euphemia Young died about 1850 at age ~56 in Sydney.1


  1. [S464] "RR: Hanrahan-Young Descendants Chart", unknown author; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S315] Marriage Certificate, Patrick Hanrahan and Euphemia Young, 15 April 1816, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. Vol 155 No 129.
  3. [S1608] Patrick Hanrahan, Patrick Hanrahan, "," Sydney Gazette, ; print, National Library of Australia ( : accessed ), Trove.
  4. [S429] Death Certificate, James Hanrahan, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1864 No 645.
  5. [S464] "RR: Hanrahan-Young Descendants Chart", unknown author, From 1828 Census; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  6. [S953] Euphemia Young, Nov 1828 Census NSW, NSW, Sydney, Archives Office.
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Last Edited11 November 2018