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Michael Hogan

b. 1805, d. about 1841


Michael Hogan was born in 1805 in South Creek.1,2 He became the godfather at Michael Burke, Hanrahan's christening in April 1824 in South Creek, NSW, Australia.3 Michael Hogan became the godfather at Michael Burke, Hanrahan's christening on 5 May 1825 in Bringelly, NSW, Australia.4,5 Michael Hogan witnessed the birth of James Behan on 5 February 1834 in Eastern Creek, NSW, Australia.1,6


FatherPhilip Hogan (b. 1766, d. 22 May 1829)
MotherMary McMahon (b. 1777, d. 7 September 1859)

Family life

Michael Hogan and Catherine Scott, aka Rogers, were married on 26 September 1826 in Bong Bong. On his wedding day, Michael Hogan also became godfather to his nephew, Philip Hanrahan (with his sister Margaret as godmother). They were already godparents to Michael Burke Hanrahan..1,7

Children with Catherine Scott, aka Rogers, (b. about 1804)

SonPatrick Hogan (b. about 1827)
SonPhillip Hogan (b. about 1828)
DaughterMary Ann Hogan (b. about 1829)
DaughterCatherine Hogan (b. about 1830)
SonMichael Hogan (b. about 1833)
DaughterAnn Hogan (b. about 1834)
SonRobert Hogan (b. about 1836)
SonHenry Hogan (b. about 1838)
DaughterBridget Hogan (b. about 1840)
DaughterMargaret Hogan (b. about 1841)

Residence information

Michael Hogan on 28 April 1821 in Medway Creek. This land was next to his father's 50 acres and was situated between the present-day villages of Sutton Forest and Berrima.8,9,10

Working life

  • In 1822 Michael Hogan was a landholder in Liverpool.11
  • In September 1823 Michael Hogan was a landholder in Bong Bong.2


Michael Hogan died about 1841 at age ~36.1,12


  1. [S465] "RR: Hogan-McMahon Descendants Chart", unknown author; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S932] Hogan family, Convict and Settlers List 1825 NSW: Hogan family, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 1825
  3. [S960] Baptism Registration SAG Reel 6 FM4 5270, Michael Burke, (Apr 1824), Society of Australian Genealogists.
  4. [S967] Baptism Registration SAG Reel 6 St Marys Cathedral, Michael Burke plus Denis & Bridget Hogan, (5 May 1825), Society of Australian Genealogists.
  5. [S466] "RR: Hanrahan-Hogan Descendants Chart", unknown author; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  6. [S467] GM Cashman, Avoca, The Faith of the Pioneers, Black Springs: The Centenary Committee of the Church of St Vincent de Paul, 1988, p31.
  7. [S958] Marriage Certificate, Michael Hogan and Catharine Scott, 26 Sep 1826, Society of Australian Genealogists, NSW. SAG Reel 6 FM4 5270.
  8. [S467] GM Cashman, Avoca, The Faith of the Pioneers, Black Springs: The Centenary Committee of the Church of St Vincent de Paul, 1988, p11.
  9. [S939] Deed: Land Grant 50 ac Sutton Forest Gov Brisbane - Michael Hogan, Archives Office of NSW, Colonial Secretary Register.
  10. [S940] Surveyor-General's Office, Sydney Gazette & NSW Advertiser, 28 Apr 1821, p1.
  11. [S928] Philip Hogan, Convict Muster 1822 NSW: Hogan Philip, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 1822, Liverpool Population Book
  12. [S966] Death Certificate, Mary White nee McMahon, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 3343/1859.
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Last Edited9 December 2018