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Bridget Hogan

b. 1824, d. 21 July 1891


Bridget Hogan was born in 1824 in Campbells River.1,2,3,4,5 She was baptized in 1824 in South Creek, NSW, Australia.4 She was baptized on 5 May 1825 in Bringelly, NSW, Australia.6


FatherPhilip Hogan (b. 1766, d. 22 May 1829)
MotherMary McMahon (b. 1777, d. 7 September 1859)

Family life

Patrick Hanrahan, the Younger, and Bridget Hogan were married on 12 September 1842.2

Children with Patrick Hanrahan, the Younger, (b. 24 September 1811, d. 10 February 1889)

SonJames Hanrahan (b. 24 July 1843)
SonPatrick J Hanrahan+ (b. 8 November 1844)
SonThomas Hanrahan (b. 3 January 1848)
DaughterMary Hanrahan (b. 20 November 1849)
DaughterSarah Hanrahan (b. 12 September 1851)
SonHenry P Hanrahan (b. about 1853)
SonDenis Joseph Hanrahan (b. 20 October 1855)
DaughterElizabeth Hanrahan (b. 1 October 1857, d. 29 July 1867)
SonJohn James Robert ("Jack") Hanrahan+ (b. 18 December 1859, d. 13 March 1945)
SonMichael W Hanrahan (b. 6 December 1861)
DaughterCatherine Hanrahan (b. about 1864)
DaughterHelena Hanrahan (b. 5 May 1867)
DaughterJane Euphemia Hanrahan (b. 12 April 1869)


Bridget Hogan died on 21 July 1891 at age ~67 in Black Springs.1


  1. [S464] "RR: Hanrahan-Young Descendants Chart", unknown author; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S465] "RR: Hogan-McMahon Descendants Chart", unknown author; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  4. [S964] Baptism Registration SAG Reel 6 FM4 5270, Bridget Hogan, (1824), Society of Australian Genealogists.
  5. [S966] Death Certificate, Mary White nee McMahon, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 3343/1859.
  6. [S967] Baptism Registration SAG Reel 6 St Marys Cathedral, Michael Burke plus Denis & Bridget Hogan, (5 May 1825), Society of Australian Genealogists.
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Last Edited12 December 2018