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Person Page 3,795

Herbert John Smith

b. 13 November 1875, d. 1 August 1955


Herbert John Smith was born on 13 November 1875.1,2,3 He was adopted on 14 November 1875.1


FatherUnknown Smith
MotherJane Kessey (b. 1859, d. 26 January 1942)

Family life

Herbert John Smith and Phoebe Lavinia Agnew were married in 1907 in Orange.3

Children with Phoebe Lavinia Agnew (b. 1877, d. 1952)

SonWalter A J Smith (b. 1908)
SonRobert Smith (b. 1911)
DaughterFaith A Smith (b. 1913)
DaughterMyra H Smith (b. 1918)
SonKeith Bathurst Smith (b. 1922)


Herbert John Smith witnessed the death of Judith Grady on 1 February 1883 at Machattie's Creek in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.1,4,5,6 He died from senility and heart problems on 1 August 1955 at age 79 at Bloomfield in Bathurst. He was buried on 2 August 1955 at Bathurst Cemetery in Bathurst.3


  1. [S390] Inquest - Julia Kessey, The Bathurst Daily Times, 2 Feb 1883.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S1562] Gae Honeysett, Email from Gae Honeysett 10 Apr 2021, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 10 Apr 2021.
  4. [S444] Death Certifricate, Julia Kessey, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1883 No 5708.
  5. [S447] Julia Kessey, Probate: Kessey; Julia (Probate), NSW Probate Office, Sydney. Hereinafter cited as A18830808.
  6. [S905] "Descendants of Patrick Grady and Margaret Whalan", Athol Lamont; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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ContextGrady clan
Kessey clan
Last Edited12 April 2021