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Person Page 3,837

Elizabeth Taylor Philip

b. 1888


Elizabeth Taylor Philip was born in 1888 in Balmain.1,2


FatherAdam Hood Philip
MotherJane Fleming (b. 22 June 1859, d. after 1887)

Family life

John Alfred Marson and Elizabeth Taylor Philip were married.3

Children with John Alfred Marson

DaughterJean Anne Marson (b. 1915)
SonJohn Adam Marson (b. 1919, d. about 1941)


  1. [S392] Nolan Rafferty, Letter from Nolan Rafferty to Bruce Fleming, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 5 Nov 1983.
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S359] Martha Fleming nee Duncan, Family artifact: Memorial card - Fleming, Angus, Balmain: Martha Fleming, 15 March 1887.
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ContextFleming clan
Last Edited19 April 2020