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Person Page 3,692

Jane Fleming

b. 22 June 1859, d. after 1887

Family surname

For more information about the Fleming surname click here.


Was born on 22 June 1859 in Bridgeton, Glasgow, Scotland. at 6am1,2


FatherAngus Fleming (b. 11 July 1831, d. before 18 July 1884)
MotherElizabeth Taylor (b. about 1831, d. 12 February 1881)

Family life

Adam Hood Philip and Jane Fleming were married in 1887.3,4,5

Children with Adam Hood Philip

DaughterElizabeth Taylor Philip+ (b. 1888)
DaughterClementina Hood Philip+ (b. 1890)

Working life

  • On 3 April 1881 Jane Fleming was a wool weaver at 690 Springfield Road in Glasgow.6


Jane Fleming died after 1887.


  1. [S324] Birth Certificate Vol 1859 No C119201/6035516 936, Jane Fleming, (8 July 1859), Scottish Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  2. [S548] Angus Fleming, 7 July 1861 Census, Edinburgh, Trinity College Edinburgh, General Register Office, Scotland.
  3. [S392] Nolan Rafferty, Letter from Nolan Rafferty to Bruce Fleming, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 5 Nov 1983.
  4. [S359] Martha Fleming nee Duncan, Family artifact: Memorial card - Fleming, Angus, Balmain: Martha Fleming, 15 March 1887, Family Tree typed onto photocopy.
  5. [S552] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages: Philip Fleming 1887, (Registry of BDM), 1887/2055.
  6. [S523] Charles Fleming, 3 April 1881 Census, Edinburgh, Barony, General Register Office, Scotland FHL Film 0203630, Vol 644-1, Enumeration District 3.
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ContextFleming clan
Last Edited21 August 2018