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Edward Ernest Gardiner

b. 12 March 1918, d. 6 April 1991


Edward Ernest Gardiner was born on 12 March 1918 at Overend Street in East Brisbane.1


FatherErnest Edward Gardiner (b. 8 April 1883, d. 29 June 1937)
MotherSusannah Thirkettle

Family life

Edward Ernest Gardiner and Olive Ann Daunt were married on 23 August 1941 in Stroud.1

Partner with Olive Ann Daunt (b. 1 November 1919, d. 10 July 2013)


Edward Ernest Gardiner died on 6 April 1991 at age 73 in Brisbane.1 He was buried on 10 April 1991 at Pinnaroo Cemetery in Bridgeman Downs. He was buried in grave 332 in portion 15C.1


  1. [S866] Beverley Johnson, Louisa Kessey: Beverley Johnson, 2018.
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Last Edited18 October 2018