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James Tobin, Junior

b. about 1843, d. 1918


James Tobin, Junior, was born about 1843 in Hunter's River.1


FatherJames Tobin, Senior (b. about 1813, d. 28 August 1901)
MotherCatherine Maloney (b. about 1817, d. 1869)

Family life

James Tobin, Junior, and Frances Reed were married on 25 November 1863 in Bourke.2,3

Child with Frances Reed (b. 16 June 1848, d. 5 June 1922)

DaughterFemale Tobin (b. 1864, d. 1864)

Working life

  • On 25 November 1863 James Tobin, Junior, was a stockowner in Marra Creek.1
  • On 22 June 1895 James Tobin, Junior, was a publican at the Union Hotel in Bourke.4
  • On 6 July 1898 James Tobin, Junior, was a publican at the Union Hotel in Bourke. His license was granted for another year, to 5 Jul 1899.5
  • On 12 January 1901 James Tobin, Junior, was a publican at the Union Hotel in Bourke. James Tobin resumed the license that had previously been transferred to Mt AJ Hobson.6
  • On 18 June 1913 James Tobin, Junior, was a publican at the Union Hotel in Bourke.7


James Tobin, Junior, possessed purchased for a total of eight pounds on 10 November 1868 at Section 2, Lots 1 and 3, totalling 4 roods, River Street, in Gongolgon, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.89 He possessed mortgaged 2 roods of land to Matthew Good (licensed victualler of Bourke) on 15 December 1879 at section 11 lot 1, corner of Darling and Glen Streets, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.910 He possessed discharged his mortgage on 2 roods of land to Matthew Good on 22 October 1881 at section 11 lot 1, corner of Darling and Glen Streets, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.9 He possessed transferred 35 perches of land to Mary Ann Farrell (his sister-in-law) on 25 August 1882 at section 11 lot 1, corner of Darling and Glen Streets, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.9 He possessed transferred 1 rood and 4 perches to his wife, Frances Tobin on 19 June 1888 at section 11 lot 1, corner of Darling and Glen Streets, in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.11 He possessed transferred land to his wife, Frances Tobin on 19 June 1888 at section 8 lot 3, Oxley Street (part), in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.10 He possessed sold lot 3 on 12 December 1913 at Section 2, Lots 1 and 3, totalling 4 roods, River Street, in Gongolgon, New South Wales, Australia.8


Was the administrator of 's estate on 13 February 1877 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia.12,13 William Wright was the executor of Joseph Whye's estate on 2 August 1877 in Gongolgon, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.14 Witnessed 's burial on 28 March 1878 in Gongolgon, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.15,16 James Tobin, Junior, witnessed the funeral of Frances Heazle .17,18 He died in 1918 at age ~75 in Petersham.19,20


  1. [S679] James Tobin junior and Frances Reed, 25 Nov 1863, unstated author, History of Bourke Journal, First Marriages at Bourke (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), page 1.
  2. [S679] Joseph Whye and Prudence Reed, 28 Apr 1863; James Tobin and Frances Reed, 25 Nov 1863, unstated author, History of Bourke Journal (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), First Marriages at Bourke.
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM), 1371/1863 Bourke.
  4. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Special Licensing Court; public notice; 22 June 1895; page 2;; 8 February 2022
  5. [S1633] "," NSW Government Gazette, Sydney, ; online image, Trove ( : accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Bourke Licensing District; public notice; 26 August 1898; page 6851;; 7 February 2022
  6. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Local and General; news article; 12 January 1901; page 2;; 8 February 2022
  7. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Licensing Court; Article; 18 June 1913; page 2;; 8 February 2022
  8. [S1627] , ; Purchase, Land Deeds; NSW Land Titles Office, Sydney., section 2, lots 1 and 3, Gongolgon, volume 85, folios 167 and 168; 10 November 1868
  9. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 10 folio 147
  10. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 544 folio 134
  11. [S1684] JM Fleming, Family Reed land summary, NSW land deed volume 636 folio 59
  12. [S1206] Records NSW, Index to NSW Deceased Estates, (Records NSW), NRS 13660-3-[17/1812]-Series 3-1031.
  13. [S1780] Supreme Court of NSW, "Probate," file, 13 Feb 1877, [17/1812], series 3, 1031, NRS 13660-3; State Records of NSW, Kingswood. George Samson Gibb, died intestate 12 Dec 1875, granted to Mary Ann Gibb, widow.
  14. [S1772] Supreme Court of NSW, "Joseph Whye Probate," file, 2 Aug 1877, [17/1824] Series 3-1515, NRS 13660-3; NSW State Archives, Kingswood. Joseph Whye, died 6 May 1877.
  15. [S1674] , Gongolgon Cemetery, Gongolgon, NSW. (in scrub near the village)., Gravestone of Joseph, Joseph Headland, Kate Whye; and Daniel Reed Murphy; 1877-1884; personally photographed
  16. [S1777] Template Error
  17. [S405] Death Certificate, Frances Reed, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1895 No 4274.
  18. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Local and General; obituary; 10 April 1895; 23 January 2022
  19. [S612] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Deaths, (Registry of BDM), 9858/1918 Petersham.
  20. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., Death of Mrs Tobin; obituary; 9 August 1922; page 2;; 8 February 2022
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Last Edited26 March 2023